At Skin Rust Productions we like what we do.
Meet the SR Boys
The roots of this collaboration lie in the friendship of high school classmates. In former times this would have been a garage band. These sorts can be found in attics, basements, storage buildings or even a local shed.
More SR Players
There is more to this stuff than meets the eye.
Get a bigger dose of (A) Record, the Les Dillinger and smokeRISER.
These platforms trace our internet steps through the years.
Reverb Nation Soundcloud Band camp BlogspotSocial
Some of the ways we connect with others to share what we do including video.
Facebook Twitter Instagram Reverbvideo YouTubeSampling
Many of the tracks are good for sampling as they were intended to be.
electronic Acoustic 1 Acoustic 2We always appreciate your support. Thank you for considering a Donation